Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Don’t Tread on Me or Don’t Count on Me

Recently I was talking to a young lady in her early 20’s about Elon Musk’s tussle with Alameda county in CA over opening Tesla in spite of the corona virus shutdown. I asked her opinion and while not knowing who Musk is she said, “People are crazy”, to which I responded, ”Do you mean the citizens or the government?” She then aimlessly meandered into the position that people should obey government somewhat blindly. I tried to get her to commiserate with a business owner being told basically you can’t make money and you can’t work so basically you must go out of business. ‘But don’t worry, we the wise and magnanimous overlords are here for you to hand you a check from newly created money which will devalue the currency, creating inflation’. She seemed somewhat sympathetic to their plight but when I asked her if she was a ‘give me liberty or give me death’ person or a ‘give me security and what liberties’ sort of person, she responded with a ‘give me food and I’m good’ motto. She then revealed that she wasn’t sure what the bill of rights exactly were, she had not heard of the ‘live free of die’, ‘don’t tread on me’ mottos or Patrick Henry’s famous quote ‘Give me liberty or give me death!’. I jokingly told her that I would design a flag for her that says ‘Don’t Count on Me’ and maybe have an earthworm on it or perhaps a leach would be more appropriate. I don’t know if she was shamed enough into educating herself but she did say she votes (criminal negligence?).

 I have to be sympathetic to her since I was also a victim of the public education system. But this brings up an interesting concept, that is, what responsibility does one have as a citizen? Not as a Christian per se, but as a citizen. We know from a biblical perspective the work of the law is in the conscience of all men and woman by God, to the extent that they become a law unto themselves accusing and excusing one another. (Rom.2:13-16) This is the basis of government. Of course people also have sin and lusts and pride operating in their flesh and minds and this can skew government to become destructive to life liberty and property, the very things it is designed to protect. And with this Christian perspective on human nature our founding fathers created a dynamic government incorporating a certain degree of democracy with the restraints of a constitution, that is, a republic. 

 In a previous blog I mentioned the motivation by people who are ignorant of sin and human nature and or foolish, who want a stronger centralized government to ‘parent’ us. That they are like Israel of old demanding a king like the nations around them. We are demanding socialism like the nations around us. However when they were brought into the promised land God did not set up a king for them, instead they appeared to have a form of republic with the law given to Moses as the constitution and officials appointed by the tribes to govern them (Dt.1:12-18). The tribes more tightly governed themselves city to city, but the loose confederation of tribes would come together to defend one another and protect one another’s lives and property. When they were entering the land to receive their inheritance and driving out the sexually perverted, devil worshipping, child sacrificing nations (yes, they were- see Lev.18 and 20), Moses admonished the tribes of Gad and Reuben (Num.32) that they better not take their inheritance and then forget their brethren fighting for theirs and fail to assist them. Moses instructed them that they were to go armed to assist their brethren and then spoke these famous words “ But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.” (v32) Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. (Jam.4:15) In Judges 20 we observe the record of how punishment was executed upon a tribe harboring wickedness. The tribes of Israel gathered against the tribe of Benjamin to punish men for sexual perversion and murder. The men of Israel felt the personal weight of obligation to remove this evil from among themselves even at the point of losing their lives enforcing it. We seem to have lost this sense of responsibility through prosperity. We enjoy the pleasures of this life to the sacrificing of our responsibility to our gallant ancestors and our innocent posterity to preserve freedom. ‘Let someone else do that, but don’t count on me.’ No longer is it 'give me liberty or death' the new motto is, 'give me security or slavery'. “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” Maybe so in this generation and in these days while we live for the present gratification of the flesh and do not believe in the world to come. Death is to be feared above all else. (Acts 20:24)

But our founders did say it was our responsibility- which is to bind our conscience to the obligation to preserve liberty. It is up to you personally to be your brother’s keeper. The Declaration of Independence states regarding our God given unalienable Rights  “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”, that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” “…it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”.

Our founders said again: “We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. -- Honour, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary bondage upon them.”

This shame and infamy is resigned to Nazi Germany and the Soviet union for example. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn recounts his arrest along with millions of other citizens under the Stalin regime recalling “You aren’t gagged. You really can and really ought to cry out- to cry out that you are being arrested!...That arrests are being made on the strength of false denunciations! That millions are being subjected to silent reprisals!” And yet hardly anyone made a peep or mutter. No public stir or “bristle” to make the arrests more difficult. He mentions once when a woman screamed holding onto a street lamp and drew a crowd which flustered the young men attempting the arrest who quickly fled. (The Gulag Archipelago- the Vintage abridgment pg 11-12) For decades it continued Solzhenitsyn states, “How long all that dragged on! And how many millions there were! But the future call-up of 1937 didn’t bat an eyelid and found it all normal. They remained calm while society was being imprisoned. Their “outrage reason boiled” when their own fellowship began to be imprisoned.” (pg.244) Of course then it is usually too late. But a society with no courage, no spirit, and seduced with pleasures is ripe for enslavement. It “is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.Patrick Henry continuedAre fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask, gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it?” “Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.” “Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

 We have greater organizing power and information flow available to us than our founding generation. We can move in unison. What will we do? What if we took this responsibility upon ourselves personally to ensure liberty to our children? Regardless of your mediocrity it is up to you. God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. 1 Cor.1:27-9 Let us operate under the Christian charge to evangelize the lost and the American citizen obligation to preserve liberty. Our liberties cannot be preserved by an anti-Christ generation, so we have a lot of work to do. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. (Mt.9:37)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Conspiracies and or Never Letting a Crisis Go to Waste

Conspiratorial thinking is a global phenomena. You find conspiracies to explain practically any and every unexplained or more mundane series of events. Actually a conspiracy can make otherwise boring information life altering so there is an appeal for excitement. One thing that seems consistent in conspiratorial thinking is the keen cognitive capacity of the ‘unraveller of the conspiracy’ to penetrate this otherwise clandestine cabal (Illuminati, Reptilians, Jewish Bankers, Freemasons, the Vatican, etc.). There is always some otherwise normal guy who has pieced it all together (Jordan Maxwell or David Icke for example) and yet they are not killed for knowing too much but permitted to conduct seminars, interviews, write books and host radio shows about the topics. Now, as an evangelical Christian who believes in the coming world religion, banking and political conglomeration, and mark of the beast (Rev.13) I am open to the existence of conspiracies. I believe they exist and have existed, I’m just not sure exactly who or how extensive (but clearly not the anti-Christ world views of either Maxwell or Icke, or even the deluded theology and worldview of Alex Jones). And I am not convinced that there is sufficient evidence for conclusions to be drawn in many cases. You don’t want to believe something without enough evidence naively, neither do you want to deny something when there is sufficient evidence stubbornly. The simple believeth every word and fools hate knowledge. (Prv.14:15. 1:22)

 There does appear to be evidence supporting an enduring global socialist utopian conspiracy. Perhaps there are competing sub-conspiracies within this grand one, but the spirit (con-spiricy) is more clearly identified in this larger overarching one. And this grander scale conspiracy is more like a logical outworking of a Darwinian socialist worldview (see The Growth of America chapter 3, Clarence Carson). The idea of a world democratic government to bring about a utopian society is not new and probably most recently can be traced back to the post Darwinian evolution revolution in society and the progressive era. Man finally saw himself as his own savior and evolving into a more civilized rational version of his previous barbaric self. Government would be the vehicle for change. Progress was seen in the aggressive use of government to assist in evolutionary reforms across all of society (see Carson again, chapter 6); even globally redistributing the wealth of nations to foster an environment for lasting peace became the ideal for many. Now the potential for world peace and evolutionary advance was within reach they believe. The Socialist revolutions (usually atheistic) and progressive movement brought changes in society through government to establish the ‘Kingdom of God’ (Read -socialist utopia of some theistic flavor via the Social Gospel. Which was social-Darwinian thought working itself out in religion). The progressive movement sought slower more incremental changes until opportunity presented itself, (“never let a crisis go to waste”) like the famed Roman general Fabius who would strike hard after patiently waiting for the moment (thus the Fabian Society- 1884). Once Darwinism and the ideas of civilization progressing permeated every facet of society, men were imbued with a delusion of utopian optimism. (e.g. H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy, also the optimistic League of Nations after the “war to end all wars”.
Please ladies and gentleman, hold back the laughter.)

It's also not hard to imagine people with ambitions to dominate as much of the world as possible as it has been pointed out. Hitler or Stalin and Lenin (and other socialists) managed to control and kill upwards of hundreds of millions of people. They started out poor with no influential connections and operated in conspiracies obviously. To imagine a billionaire with these ambitions isn’t difficult. The lust for power was recognized by our founding fathers when forming our constitution, and they provided checks and balances (see the Federalist papers). As biblical literalists we expect a “man of sin” to rise to absolute power (2 Thes.2, Rev.13) dominating the world. Truthfully wars and fightings are the rule not the exception (Jam.4:1-2).

In the same matrix of evolutionary thought coupled with the pantheistic and romantic doctrines as Hegel, Spinoza and Goethe there arose the reemergence of occult spiritism. It was argued that since philosophy failed to give us rational coherence and scientific certainty (e.g. the epistemological doctrines of David Hume and Immanuel Kant) we must pursue the occult sciences and romanticism to find truth inside our imaginations, since we are part of the universal consciousness… obviously. We see dominant occult figures arising such as Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) Albert Pike (1809-1891) Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) and Manly P. Hall (1901-1990). The occult philosophers believed we were entering a new age of enlightenment where the return of the perfect society that was believed to have existed in Atlantis (probably the pre-flood world of Noah). The secret occult teachings of the ancient civilizations were being revived, synthesized and restored by their efforts they believed.  (See also Carl Jung.)

The idea of a ‘shadow government’ or ‘invisible government’ or (the post Trump popular phrase) ‘deep state’ of career likeminded bureaucrats who desire a tighter world government or new world order through the distribution of U.S. wealth and influence might have some explanatory power (check out these series- ). Some groups appear to be persuaded by the doctrines of intervention and aggressive use of military force in a neo-conservative manner to bring about a closer proximity to a utopia or a new world order. This cabal could easily be hidden within the compartmentalization of the CIA, Intelligence community, State Department, Pentagon, Military Industrial Complex, etc. and further concealed through disinformation campaigns. This might be a rich place to look for sub-conspiracies, or at least keep your eyes opened. Maybe the structure of the conspiracy can’t be known with any certainty, but the spirit can be identified.

Conspiracy means technically a ‘joining of spirit’, indicating people with the same spirit, or drive and motivation of usually self-serving ends. A group of self-interested people joining together in a league against the interests of the larger population. In a sense you could classify any organizing and planning efforts on any issue a conspiracy in a broad use of the term- including our founding fathers. We know that the “spirit of the world” is manifested by the “words that man’s wisdom teacheth” (1 Cor.2:12-13). You give place to spirits by believing their doctrines, which are the doctrines and philosophies of the world. (Col.2:8-9, 1 Tim.4:1) And this spirit is antichrist. We know that as well- because they deny the incarnation of Jesus Christ, God with us (Mt.1:23). Jesus said “He that is not with me is against me” (Mt.12:30,Mk.9:40). “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” 1 Jn.2:22 “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world… They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.” 1 Jn.4:3, 5-6 The “god of this world” leads “according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” (2 Cor.4:4, Eph.2:2) He ensnares people into the pollutions and corruptions of the world through the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life (2 Pt.1:4, 2:20, 1 Jn.2:15-6). Finally “the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:” will lead them until “all the world wondered after the beast” (Rev.12:9, 13:3). This is the course of the world. So, regardless of which particular group of conspirators or secret societies exist we can know the general course of the world by scriptural revelation. These doctrines give place for the world to fill the ranks of whatever conspiracies may emerge. But the technologies and actions of corporations may not be viewed with that end in mind by the inventors themselves even though the result will be “according to the course of this world”. Unrestrained self-interest in the banking industry with the assistance of government, will rationally lead to a global central bank with digital currency for example. They may be walking after the world and not actively conspiring to the end that they are pursuing. Of course there very well might be secret occultists within inner circles of upper management contacting spirits through DMT, psychedelics,  and other means, to receive insights or instructions; that is a possibility (remember Pharaoh and his magicians. Exod.7-8; or John Dee advisor to Queen Elizabeth I; or the Stargate Project). Also reminiscent of the past rule of kings with prophets and sycophantic wise men is the cabinet of intellectuals and historians advising our executives many times in what they want to hear. There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof… (Ezek.22:25, 1 Kings 22) That being said, when looking at Daniel 11 even the man of sin is opposed and has to conduct warfare on other kings not in alliance with him (v25-45). Therefore the idea of a perfect conspiratorial and global unity when the devil is manifesting full power (Rev.12-13, 2 Thess.2) is not even a reality. Apparently the free will activities of men prohibit perfect compliance with even the devil himself.

Alongside the desire for political power to exact ‘progress’ upon the masses is the desire for money, which goes hand in hand (or maybe foot in jackboot). This need is recognized in the Communist Manifesto- note the 5th plank: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. The control of the money supply is basically the power to steal the value of peoples savings. It is legalized counterfeiting. Obviously when competing bankers want to be bailed out of reckless investments by a lender of last resort at tax payer expense, then the drive for a central bank would make sense. They have the same spirit in this matter and clandestine operations to bring about a central bank in the US appear to be well documented (Jekyll Island). When they want to expand this operation they need to get more people to submit to the fiat currency or legal tender and open up multinational markets. Since you can’t sell this as a way to enrich some people at the expense of others, it must be advertised as ‘security’ and “to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.” Also promoting maximum employment and stable prices for the goods and services. (See the Fed's website) Usually the money trail is a great map of motives. Who benefits from this action? When a small number of people control the money supply in the trillions, suspicion is warranted. Follow the money as they say.

Controlling the money supply it is generally agreed does mean that the Federal Reserve can cause a depression or temporarily stave one off (whether because of weak monetary policy as Ben Bernanke would believe or because of the created boom/bust cycle that the Austrian school would predict from an easing of the money supply). But when and how the dominoes will begin to fall, or which snowflake causes the avalanche is not known and perhaps unknowable along with whose fortunes will be wiped out. With so many billions of actors in multiple interconnected sectors in the economy making billions of decisions it would be too complex of a system to control predictably. Tom Woods points out that the elites in the Fed would not want to look bad or be viewed with suspicion but with economic downturns and cries to audit the Fed they have had to hire a public relations firm to freshen up their image. This would indicate at least a not so firm control of the economy by the elites. He also points out that the unpredictability created by the interest rate manipulation causing the cluster of business errors makes it impossible to control profitably. Ron Paul who consistently opposes and debates the legitimacy of the central bank also agrees that the panics and economic downturns are not predictable although inevitable.

When exploring these topics one must not have a lazy mind or think of our research as more significant than it might be, the world is very complex. It might be easier to explain everything by invoking a conspiracy, needing only to remember that one cause to explain all phenomenon but that doesn’t appear to be the most rational. Usually it is coupled with the inability to falsify the claims since any attempt will indicate to the ‘simple conspiracy’ view that you are either part of the conspiracy or believing lies and propaganda from the conspirators and thus the claims can never be falsified. Karl Popper made falsification as essential in determining scientific and non-scientific thinking. Many people have the slothful and arrogant approach that the first book I read or documentary I watched and understood is therefore the correct one. But it also seems simplistic to believe that everything that goes on in government is a series of haphazard undirected actions. Again let’s not be naïve nor stubborn. Murray Rothbard upbraids this line of thought observing “It is the opponents of "conspiracy" analysis who profess to believe that all events – at least in government – are random and unplanned, and that therefore people do not engage in purposive choice and planning.” (The Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited)  Gary North said in his book on the subject ”The fact’s don’t just “speak for themselves”. Men speak in the name of the facts they have chosen to speak about… We are not omniscient. Therefore, we all pick and choose the facts we believe are the most relevant. Relevant to whose purposes and relevant to what goals?” (Conspiracy: A Biblical View, pg.3) Rothbard observes “the bad conspiracy analyst seems to have a compulsion to wrap up all the conspiracies, all the bad guy power blocs, into one giant conspiracy. Instead of seeing that there are several power blocs trying to gain control of government, sometimes in conflict and sometimes in alliance, he has to assume – again without evidence – that a small group of men controls them all, and only seems to send them into conflict.” (same article) We should have a sober view of ourselves and our limited capacity to know things- epistemological humility, along with diligent inquiry and analysis. Just because you can produce a document about a conspiracy is not conclusive proof of it. Those believing in the possibility of conspiracies and false flag events and disinformation, should likewise assume the information they themselves are counting on might be part of a disinformation campaign from self-interested actors. Is the video you are seeing a deep fake? Are you believing a particular interpretation of the video or “fake news”? What do you actually know about this evidence? We really need to be slow to conclude things that we in many cases can’t logically know. Just because a video shows a person resembling someone or is said to be that person where you cannot tell yourself, maybe accept this as inconclusive. A video showing a bunch of people running chaotically is not in itself proof of why they are running chaotically. Keep your eyes opened but your spirit controlled.

 I watched a documentary once about the illuminati and the secret societies controlling the Western governments to find out at the end of the documentary that the Muslim people were the hero’s resisting valiantly as the only true religion. Ok, I can see a motive for disinformation from that angle. Islamic fundamentalists would have motives to destroy the West and foster rebellion among the citizenry. For many years people referred to (and I think they still do) “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion document to prove the Jewish world domination conspiracy while it is apparently a forgery to support anti-Semitism. We are instructed by Christ to “take heed that no man deceive you” (Mt.24:4, Lk.21:8). CIA analysts have to sort through propaganda from politically motivated groups to determine what is actionable intelligence and not misinformation designed to involve the US forces in assisting them for their own political interests. There are no doubt subversives who infiltrate groups to discredit them. Are there conspiracies? No doubt- but which ones and who and what do we know? Again, keep your eyes opened but be very careful not to believe lies of any sort. There might be foreign or domestic actors involved who want to push you into believing things and responding in ways that they can benefit from.

Did the U.S. fake the Roswell incident and other UFO encounters to trick the Soviets into wasting money investigating the idea of alien technologies? Or were the Russians conducting psyops on the Americans through fake flying saucers? There are conspiracy theories for both. Was the moon landing faked? Did we deceive the Soviets and all other nations or were they part of the hoax and the Cold War was all staged theatre? One more recent example would be that 911 was an inside job. There are conspiracy reports that flight 93 was shot down and then denied by the Pentagon. And there are other conspiracy reports that there was no plane crash and it was a hoax. To me the collapse of building 7 seemed the most compelling. But watching dozens of videos of actual controlled demolitions with the uniform pattern of explosions seconds before buildings collapse, this was absent on the world trade center buildings collapsing in the videos I have watched. Plus the weeks of intrusive preparatory work leading up to much smaller buildings being demolished is not something one wouldn't notice. Also when I watch it debated and see documentaries to counter the ‘911 conspiracies’ and computer simulations of the collapse and this blacksmith’s simple demonstration they seem very plausible. More plausible than the conspiracies themselves. I’m still open to evidence that it was an inside job and not just government incompetence and ineptitude. But at this point I am not persuaded by the evidence I’ve seen that it is an inside job rather than ineptitude. But in practice it doesn’t matter because I oppose government surveillance and foreign intervention and the growing leviathan of government tyranny. Did big state operatives seize opportunity (too good of a crisis to waste) to greatly expand the scale of the Federal government? Very obviously, in the surveillance of free citizens as Edward Snowden has revealed.

‘None Dare Call it Conspiracy’ author Gary Allen gives ‘14 sign posts to slavery’ or canaries in the mine to look for (pg.132-3). Whether you agree to a tight conspiracy of elites or “insiders” or a loose conspiracy of adherents to similar doctrines you should be alarmed and resist these 14 things manifesting that spirit- as they are well under way now:

1. Restrictions on taking money out of the country and on the establishment or retention of a foreign bank account by an American citizen.

2. Abolition of private ownership of hand guns.

3. Detention of individuals without judicial process.

4. Requirements that private financial transactions be keyed to social security numbers or other government identification so that government records of these transactions can be fed into a computer.

5. Use of compulsory education laws to forbid attendance at presently existing private schools.

6. Compulsory non-military service.

7. Compulsory psychological treatment for non-government workers or public school children.

8. An official declaration that anti-communist organizations are subversive and subsequent legal action taken to suppress them.

9. Laws limiting the number of people allowed to meet in a private home.

10. Any significant change in passport regulations to make passports more difficult to obtain.

11. Wage and price controls, especially in a non-wartime situation.

12. Any kind of compulsory registration with the government of where individuals work.

13. Any attempt to restrict freedom of movement within the United States.

14. Any attempt to make a new major law by executive decree (that is, actually put into effect, not merely authorized as by existing executive orders.)

Prayer and evangelizing the lost should be the focus of our energies as Christians (1 Tim.2:1-2). Especially in this country with the historically rare freedoms of religion and speech. Regardless of how you view conspiracies we will lose our liberties very easily if we do not watch and pray and preach and teach the gospel of Christ (Mt.28:19-20). It is the power of God unto salvation; and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty (Rom.1:16, 2 Cor.3:17).