Thursday, November 9, 2017

Santa Claus, Reindeer, X-mas Trees, and Psychedelic Mushrooms

I doubt you’ve heard this- maybe you have, but check these out and see what you think about the origins of Santa, reindeer flying, trees and psychedelic experience:
Terence McKenna - Christmas, Mushrooms, and Santa Claus - YouTube

I don’t believe everything they discuss here- (like trying to insinuate that the origins of Christianity are hallucinogenic in nature- per the Vatican; and the astro-theology nonsense) but it sure makes you wonder where our traditions originate. If you research the attributes of Santa relative to God you might be disturbed also. Anyway- check it out!

Ho Ho Ho

 Out of curiosity I did a search on the origins of the X-mas tree and scandalously absent was any mention of the bible! I did find these however:


Ancient Egyptians and Romans

Tree worship

Many Pagan cultures

Long before the advent of Christianity

tradition that predates Christianity- was discouraged or prohibited because of its pagan associations

hallucinogenic or "magic" mushrooms

 Seasons greetings ya'll!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

On the tenth day in the seventh month

Oh mystery Oh mystery performed in a riddle

Could you not open your truth just a little

Just for a glimpse of spanning your breadth

To just grasp the meaning of the blood of this death

Covered by vail and a cloud o’er thy seat

Come golden censer thy smoke with cloud thus shall meet

Thy incense beaten small and coal from brazen altar

Justice and mercy are before thy face said the Psalter

One man alone girt in linen attire

Shall stretch forth his hand to the blood and the fire

Sprinkled thy seat of mercy on the side toward the east

That blood that was shed from the blemishless beast

And thy lot shall fall on the scapegoat to be taken

Bearing sin on his head to a land that’s forsaken

As the Psalter said ‘As far as the east is from the west’

Bringing broken children to his eternal rest

Oh the flesh rent in twain from the heaven to the earth

Oh the shedding of blood which is of infinite worth

Three days plus ten in the month numbered seven

That man clothed in linen appeared now in heaven

Our hope as an anchor entereth within the veil

And the order of Melchisedec doth prevail

When the justice of thy blood touch the mercy of thy seat

From everlasting to everlasting now is complete

With reconciliation for sin now thus made

He that appeared in the cloud now hath bade

Bidden us ‘Come’ through the flesh of his Son

The smoke of our incense and the cloud mix as one

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The 4th Dimension

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;- Eph.3:17-18

Interestingly here we see a list of 4 dimensions. We would assume it to be a spiritual dimension where the angelic heavenly hosts and the demonic (or alien) usually exist. Also where Christ operated in after his resurrection when he would appear suddenly and disappear (Lk.24:31,36-43). We see angels appearing suddenly and disappearing in our 3 dimensions all through scripture (Lk. 1:11-13, 19, 2:13-15, 22:43, Mt.1:20, Gen.21:17,Ex.3:2, Jdg.6:12, 13:3, 20, 1 Chr.21:16, Dan.6:22, etc…)

Oddly we find Carl Sagan (I know, right?!) giving a good explanation of higher dimensions by looking at lower dimensions that we experience. Check this out:

So, anyone seeing a partial manifestation of an entity from another higher dimension would by definition not understand what they are looking at. And if the devil is involved he can appear in a different form (2 Cor.11:14, Job 4:15-6). It appears also that people experiencing DMT trips are seeing things they do not understand but are interpreting them with three dimensional understanding.